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Replacement of the water main between #26 and # 50, shown in orange below, was completed this year (2023) but encountered delays due to the need to excavate beneath the concrete sidewalk instead of the roadway, and also because of the Bell cable which was found to be positioned immediately above the watermain for much of the length.  Fortunately, the roadway remained largely still drivable, so access to driveways was disrupted for only a short time.


The final section of the watermain still with iron piping runs between # 55 and #12 (in light blue on the diagram below).  We had hoped to include this section during 2023, but due to additional demands and costs, we have postponed that work until early 2024. Fingers crossed we don't have winter water main breaks.  (See historical account below)   



Replacement of the water main between #26 and # 50, shown in orange below, was completed this year (2023) but encountered delays due to the need to excavate beneath the concrete sidewalk instead of the roadway, and also because of the Bell cable which was found to be positioned immediately above the watermain for much of the length.  Fortunately, the roadway remained largely still drivable, so access to driveways was disrupted for only a short time.


The final section of the watermain still with iron piping runs between # 55 and #12 (in light blue on the diagram below).  We had hoped to include this section during 2023, but due to additional demands and costs, we have postponed that work until early 2024. Fingers crossed we don't have winter water main breaks.  (See historical account below)   




The water main from unit 26 to uit 48 has been replaced, and the road surface and sidewalk repaired.  The last remaining section of water main to be repaired is from unit 56 to unit 12.  The costs are high, and the Corporation (that's all the owners) have to pay for it as Silver Shadow Path is a private road, not maintained by the City of Toronto. Unless some unexpected priority occurs, this last section is expected to be completed in the Spring.  Let's hope there are no watermain breaks in this remaining old-pipe section before it is replaced. We have all had to endure disruption, inconvenience, dust and difficulties with access during this work. This is one of the problems we can expect to encounter as Silver Shadow Path enters its second half-century. 

Why did the watermain from #26 to #48 take so long?   First,

the water-main was found to run mainly underneath the

sidewalk. That meant the concrete sidewalks had to be

replaced. The work was further complicated by a Bell cable

which ran under the sidewalk, directly on top of the main,

requiring a lot of hand digging.

Update: Watermain OVERVIEW

EReplacement of the water main between #26 and # 50, shown in orange below, was completed in 2023. The final section of the watermain still with iron piping runs between # 55 and #12 (in light blue/green on the diagram below). We have postponed that work until Spring 2025. Fingers crossed we don't have winter water main breaks.  (See historical account below) 


This section was replaced 2023


                      Anatomy of a Watermain Break


At Silver Shadow Path we have certainly had our share of watermain breaks!

In the last 14 years we have had to replace about half of the original watermain

pipes following breaks. Then, after several “dry” years, we've faced three breaks

in the last few months, all on the old pipe. 


Watermains at Silver Shadow are maintained and repaired by our own condominium corporation – the owners, not the city. The work is paid for by the Reserve Fund – which our monthly fees go to support.


Here is what to watch for, and what to do if the watermain breaks again before we can replace it all.

WHY does the watermain fail?
Mainly age - in our case 50 years underground. Old materials corrode, or are damaged by heavy machinery, settlement, or shifting ground, and sometimes poorly backfilled materials surrounding the watermain.

WHEN do watermains fail?
Coincidentally, often on a stat holiday before a weekend! And especially when the weather is cold, and the ground is frozen. We have experienced it all! The last break happened on Good Friday this year, when the “LOCATES” service that maps out the power and gas lines running underground was not available. No LOCATES service means no work can be started. We were lucky to have the service done on Saturday morning, so the repair work could begin!


HOW does water supply the complex?
Water enters from the Toronto system between units 12 and 13.  Several years ago (and several watermain breaks ago), shut-off valves were installed at intervals around the complex. You will know them by the blue spray-paint marking them. We now have 8; after the next phase of watermain work is completed this summer there will be 16. This allows the plumber to isolate the problem areas, and keep water supplied to units that are unaffected by the break.


HOW do I know there is a watermain break?
At home – you will first notice a drop in water pressure (taps, toilet,

shower) – the first step is to check your own water system to see

if there is a leak. If everything looks ok, the problem is probably

watermain-related. If you have a chance, take a walk outside and

look for water pooling or seeping (sometimes under pressure) at

the side of the roadway, through cracks, or along the curb, water

where it does not belong. Sometimes you can hear it as well.


HOW can I help?
Send an email to manager Diane Zerafa < >

with your unit #, time that you noticed the pressure problem and any other relevant information. Alternatively, call Diane at 416-630-1234 and leave a message. Let her know where you think the break is; when you noticed it; and send a photo if you can. AND – do check the website! We will try to post information as soon as we learn what is happening, when the work will begin, and an estimated repair time as soon as we can.

WHAT are we doing about preventing future breaks?
During summer 2023 we replaced the watermain along the south end of the complex – from unit #50 to unit #27. The cost to our condominium was around $142,000 plus taxes. In addition, repair and repaving of the roadway will be put out to tender and will include the areas repaired during the winter and spring (close to units #58, #26, and #12).

The last section of watermain to be replaced runs from unit# 58 to unit #12. The cost for this work will be higher due to inflation and greater complexity. This section is currently estimated to cost $165,000 plus taxes and paving and is scheduled for the 2024/2025 budget year.

Safeguard your family! Following a break, or a repair, the water in the

pipes can have been contaminated by earth, debris, and animal waste.

The repair crew carries out a disinfection routine, but you should ALWAYS

do these two things:

  • Heat water for drinking to boiling point and let it cool. Do this for at least 24 hrs after the repair. (Don’t bother with water for tea, coffee, or cooking, as that will be boiled anyway; just drinking and rinsing after brushing). This is especially important if you have infants and immune-compromised folks at home.

  • Run water at every tap for the first time for 2-4 minutes. You may notice the first water to flow will be brownish in colour along with some trapped air bubbles. This is normal and shows you the water has been exposed to the outside environment.

Finally, although it is not needed for a watermain break, it is always a good idea

to practice finding and making sure you can turn off the main water inlet valve

to your unit at least once a year. You never know when you may need to shut it

off in an emergency. It should look like one of these. It’s probably in the lowest

level - perhaps the laundry room. If you cannot actually turn the valve, it may be

time to call a plumber to loosen it up. Your ability to turn this valve off - in a hurry -

if your pipes burst, could prevent considerable damage!




  Update: WEST-GATE ACCESS  (1 Jan. 2023) 

At the November 2022 meeting of the Board, it was decided

that the original gateway would be re-opened on a

provisional basis. There would be no gate, just an

opening; (the repeated cost of repairing the gate had

been the reason for its closure). That work started in

Dec. 2022, and the gateway has been open since.  

        The Board is extremely sensitive to the issues that

were raised on both sides of the debate, and a decision

to create open-access for a trial period was made

with caution and a wish to balance convenience for

a relatively small number of our residents, against

the need to avoid increased noise or litter in

the community from foot traffic.

The Board has installed better lighting in the walkway.

If you use the path, please be respectful of neighbours

living close by, and don't dump any trash or garden

waste in the walkway; the first piece attracts the second

piece and so on!




Early in the summer of 2021, the gate to the Church parking lot was again found to be damaged.  Instead of adding to the long history of expensive repairs, the Board decided to close the gate permanently. Within the month, several requests were received to open the gate.  The Board then attempted to seek the opinion of residents: how many people actually used the facility.   A survey was designed and carried out. Only 34 (40%) of owners responded, and the results (shown below) were not conclusive.

Emerald Ash


We have seven white ash trees, some of the largest trees on the property. Three are shown by arrows in the diagram.  They are all infested with the emerald ash borer, a beetle that came originally from the Far East, but has now spread widely in the western world destroying ash trees as it spread.


Our ash trees are not too badly affected, partly because the Board decided several years ago to begin bi-annual injections with a chemical that reduces the activity of the insect. If you go to look, you can see the bark which is swollen and cracking in  places, but the canopy has not been visibly affected thus far, and we hope the trees will survive.  The life cycle of the insect is shown below.






Building of the Silver Shadow Path complex was begun in 1972/3 meaning that 2022/3 is the 50th year anniversary!  And as we all know, with age comes decrepitude!  From time to time we can expect repairs and replacement of materials, surfaces, sealants, and finishes. Commonly in need of repair are the wooden fences, gates, decking, railings, external caulking, steps, paths, roofs, downspouts, and eaves-troughs.


Using the engineer's periodic report as a guide, the property manager proposes the sequence and priority of this work, and presents the proposal to the Board for approval.  

The website will carry advanced notice of scheduled work, preparations, and the time-frame for its completion   

In 2021, re-caulking of ground-floor doors and windows

was carried out, as well as repainting the black aluminum

railings at the front steps of some units.

The wrought-iron railings at the rear of some units is

planned for the another year. 

In previous years, rear decks and fences have been

replaced and/or repaired, eaves troughs and downspouts

have been cleaned where needed, replaced where required,

and leaf-guards have been fitted.  One of the most

expensive jobs was the replacement of the roofs. 



We live close to several scenic parks, wooded paths, and riverside trails. In addition to a wide variety of resident and migratory birds, our wildlife include raccoons, skunks, red and grey squirrels, rats, weasels, opossums, coyotes, and chipmunks.

Pest control operations, targeting rats and mice, are still in effect.  You will see the locked bait containers located throughout the complex.  When no bait has been taken for a period of several weeks, we assume the rodent problem has been abated, and the bait containers should be removed. Please don't allow children to play with the containers, and please report any found open or damaged.  

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